Phew. This return to blogging is going to take some adjustment. I swear I have a ton of fun (read: snarky) things to tell you! I just picked a busy couple days to pick up where I left off.
Luckily, the ever-funny Kelly over at Dare to be Domestic created a post not long ago playing the popular "get to know ya" questions game. Ta-daaaa! Daily entry saved! Have at it.
1. What is your lucky number?
I'm goin' with 7. Sure, lots of people claim 7 as their lucky number, but my birthday is July 7th... um, hello? 7/7, I win!
2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Wow. I wasn't aware that I'd be turning my blog into a job interview today. Sneaky!
...ah, what the hell. I can use the practice.
Given the current state of the U.S. economy, I believe it's difficult, if not impossible, to look ahead more than 18 months. I'd like to spend the next year and a half exploring the ways I can contribute to this company blog, using the time to grow my plans along with our its success.
Psshhhh. Hey suckers: I was a public relations major for a reason, baby! There's plenty more where that came from! (Tuition dollars at work, darlings. Also? If you thought that was good, then you DEFINITELY need to read Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster.)
3. What is your favorite song of all time?
Ooooh. Of all time? This one's tough. I don't know that I have a favorite favorite! Don't make me pick! It's like Sophie's Choice up in here, except with music so it's for serious. Can I go top three?
Wait. Why am I asking? It's my blog; I don't need permission!
"Falling for the First Time" by Barenaked Ladies. BNL has been my favorite band for more than a decade, and this song just feels exactly like love!
"Lover, You Should've Come Over" by Jeff Buckley. Breaks my heart, and yet makes me so happy, both at the same time. Just a beautiful, bittersweet ache of a song.
"Not Ready to Make Nice" by the Dixie Chicks. Political overtones aside, Natalie Maines is one ballsy chick. I want her on my side.
4. Do you love football? Who's your team?
I... don't love football. And given that J had a football scholarship to college, and that we live in Columbus, Ohio, home of the currently-ranked #2 team... well, let's just say that it's a damn good thing I love fall as much as I do, because otherwise? It'd be a long, long season.
5. What's your most cherished item?
I thought of a few that could fit the bill here, and they were all photos. What does that tell us!? The best one, though, is the picture of J and me that my friend A snapped on a whim. You can see it here. I love it because it's just so... us. Neither of us is wearing the "camera-ready smile" or sucking in our stomachs or saying cheeeeeeeeeeeese; we're just happy and totally in the moment together.
6. If you had 24 hours to live, how would you spend them?
I'd want a fantastic meal; tremendous, earth-shattering, soul-shaking sex; and the chance to say goodbye to my most cherished people. Not necessarily in that order.
7. Were you named after anyone?
Nope. Well, not anyone we know and/or are related to. But I spell my name the same way as the biblical Rachel (total trump card if I ever get to meet Rachael Ray)! And my middle name is Leigh... which I choose to trace back to Vivien Leigh... and God knows she and I both have the flair for the melodrama... so I'm going to count it.
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I feel fairly certain that, had Scarlett had a Sassy Gay Friend, the curtain-dress could have been avoided. |
8. What is your can't live without beauty product?
Oh my God. Easiest question ever. I'm a sucker for a gimmick anyway, but this L'Oreal Go 360 face wash? IS FREAKING GENIUS!! Pop the little scrubby out, splash splash, scrub scrub, mmmm smells gooooood, stash it back in the handy little holding place, see ya in 16 hours scrubby!!
So there we are. Stay tuned for tomorrow's entry, in which our heroine takes on a pop culture phenomenon and totally blows your mind!
*Today's evidence of being rad: there is candy corn in the house once again (yay fall!); I told J he was eating it wrong... and then demonstrated how to make a grill out of the yellow ends. Sadly, I ate the masterpiece before it could be captured on film.