Friday, February 19, 2010

Rach on the move

It's finally upon us (well, me):  the movers are coming tomorrow.  There is snow in the forecast, but not until Sunday night, so I'm go for launch to have all my shit under one roof again. 

After driving a 14-foot U-Haul truck up and down I-71 in the snow on New Year's weekend, there was no way in hell I was going to put myself (and J, and my friends) through that again.  Not this soon, anyway.  I like J and I want him to keep liking me.  Ditto my friends, who were sweet enough to help me load and unload, with only a few beers and some wings and ribs for payment.  

Just kidding J, I love you AND your video games.

All the manageable boxes are accounted for; I've been moving a bit at a time for the last ten days so the kitchen is complete and my closet is neatly organized (with clothes hanging first in category and then in color order).  I just don't have the physical strength to move a king bed, a dresser and cedar chest, and my entire living room set on my own... to say nothing of the emotional fortitude it would require.  The last effort?  Nearly broke my spirit.

But not a moment too soon, since next week I'm hosting the February meeting of my book club!

...which is a whole new post in itself.  Cliffhanger!  Stay warm this weekend, kids; cross your fingers for another snow day for me on Monday so I can stay home, unpack and get to that spring cleaning!

Board game FAIL.


sarah said...


a. mrs said...

you organize your closet by category and color too?!?!?

Rach said...

I might take a pic once it's all done... that's how happy I am about it! :)