Thursday, February 4, 2010


OK.  MODG started something here.  Sarah jumped on it and Jenni was right behind her... not since my days at an all-girls' high school have I so keenly felt the effects of peer pressure.  (Don't worry, kids:  high school is a post for another day.)

Here we go:


Paula Deen!?

*deep breath*

OK.  Let's give it one more shot.

I hate you Internet.

FYI:  I just said that out loud and J said "YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW." 

Although it IS kind of cool to be associated with DJ Tanner.  Remember the one when she starved herself and worked out like a maniac because Kathy Santoni was "sooooo pretty"!?  

Yeah.  I went there.

The one thing that sort of redeems this whole project is this one...

Ha haaa!! J, you look like Ross!  And Dawson!  What a buncha d-bags.

Shut up ladies, he's MY d-bag.

Wanna try it?  Upload a pic and go nuts.


sarah said...

In times like this, you need to remember that the internet was picking up what's on the INSIDE. Like maybe it said Paula Deen because it knows you like butter? Or maybe it said DJ Tanner b/c it knows that your TV sister will turn into a real live Meth addict. The internet is brilliant.

Rach said...

I figured DJ Tanner because I'm the bossy older sister. I take no issue with that. :)