Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guilty as charged, bitches!

Humpity hump hump hump!!  *snort*

Shhhh... hear that?  It's the weekly test of the emergency alert siren!  The one in my hometown only fires up on the first Wednesday of every month, but the one in this fair city is EVERY WEDNESDAY BY GOD, lest we all be caught unawares...

I'm all right with it, if only because it means lunch hour on the third day of the work week = exactly halfway to the weekend!

So it's time once again for Guilty Pleasure Wednesday:  the safe space for airing those things you refuse to be sorry for!

Last week I copped to loving reality TV; this week is a variation on the same. 

J and I looooove us some Biggest Loser... but what I love most about it is that Tuesday night means takeout or Ben & Jerry's on the couch while we watch it.  Sometimes both. I spend the rest of my week trying to watch what goes into my mouth, trying to work out (and usually failing), all that healthy skinny jazz.  But then our Tuesday date night rolls around, and HELL YEAH, J and I are sitting side by side on the couch, talking with our mouths full and feeling better about ourselves by the minute.

If that's not love, I don't know what is.

Time to admit to those shameless little indulgences....


Deena said...

ABC Family Monday night line up. Yes its meant for highschool girls. Yes I'm almost 30. Nope I don't care to either. I heart all 3 shows on Monday night on their channel anyway! :)

sarah said...

Okay, my fiance is from the Midwest and was talking about those damn sirens and I called bullshit. Turns out I was wrong.

We don't have shit like that in Texas.

I love shitty food. But not during Biggest Loser. For the entire duration of that show, I am convinced that I am going to quit my job and become a trainer/motivational speaker.

So far, all that has gotten me is the Family-Size Stouffer's Macaroni & Cheese.