Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Every little thing I do is magic!


It totally worked.  Half a dozen ice cubes, flushed right down, plus one long-sleeved Cleveland Browns t-shirt worn backwards equals a free day off work, bitches!

My university has that text-alert system that lets subscribers know of any special developments:  parking bans, bomb threats... snow days...

I woke up to my alarm at 5:30 this morning and checked my phone immediately:  no text.  I'll let you imagine the grumbling and crankiness that ensued.  Six minutes later, I got the all-clear to go back to bed in the form of a text message telling me they'd decided to open at noon.  Good enough for that early in the morning!

Got up four hours later and shuffled around the apartment, pouting about having to get "work dressed" and drive in the cold to the office for a half day of nothing to do... and just as I was about to stop with the pouting and start getting ready, the beautiful tones of the little bing-bong text message alert sounded, telling me to take a load off and stay put for the day.

Apparently I have magic powers.  Anything you want me to work on for you?


sarah said...

Will this trick work in South Texas?

Jenni said...

God I feel like the possibilties here are endless.

Can you see if you can take the fat from the backs of my upper arms and migrate it to my boobs? Thanks.