Tuesday, February 23, 2010

One girl's resolution*

I've been a card-carrying member of Weight Watchers for longer than I care to admit, and yet I've still never quite made it to "Lifetime Member" status (WW code for "free").  During the holidays, with the stress of moving added onto an already-busy social season, counting calories - Points, to those of us in the know - was the last thing on my mind.

One of the first things I did after unpacking my overnight bag was to recommit to getting there "for real this time."  I make my New Year's resolutions in September, with the start of the school year, but there's no denying that something about this approach smacks of resolutionary status.

Somehow, though, this time feels different.  I don't have a major life event that I'm using as a deadline for dropping the pounds; sure, my ten-year college reunion is this summer, but I'm more or less the same size now that I was back then.

Side note:  "back then??"  That's odd.  Surely, I can't have been out of undergrad for a decade already, as I haven't aged a day!

It just... means more.  Maybe it's that I want it more now; maybe it's that I'm finally ready to see it through.  Whatever.  Time for a little more of this

and a little less of this:

So I've spent the past week resurrecting my personal weight management site.  (WOW, does that sound lame.)  It's my way of holding myself accountable and of preparing to meet my goal of eventually leading Weight Watchers meetings. It's also a way to keep it off my blog and in its own separate, distinguishable place.

So what's on it?  

My master shopping list, where I name product brands and don't just call it "reduced fat popcorn" or whatever.  Specifics!

Some bits of wisdom I've picked up through the course of my Battle of the Bulge.

A cheat sheet list of favorite easy and low-cal snacks.

And RECIPES!  A ton of them, with more to come... and all them have been tested, usually on an unsuspecting J.  Best part?  The people I've cooked for have had no idea they've been eating WW-sanctioned recipes.

Feel free to check me out over at On The Weigh...

*With apologies to Superchick.

1 comment:

sarah said...

My mother and my cousin are both doing it for real this time and have seen great results. Good luck.