Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm gonna need a bigger Easy Bake Oven.

"I'm gonna be the mom that makes the world's best chocolate chip cookies!"
"Our kids are gonna be fat, aren't they."
Monica & Chandler (Courteney Cox & Matthew Perry), Friends, "The One With Phoebe's Cookies"

All right.  I will be the first to admit that this is ridiculous and a completely selfish and irrational reason for wanting to have kids, but... LOOK!

nom nom nom


That is a CAKE!  Made to look like LEGOS!

Somebody around here better start having babies, because I am just DYING to get them all sugared up with this cute crap.

*finger on nose*



Anonymous said...

oh. i totally get this! i walked around toys r us the other day.. and pictured myself fighting with my kids over all our cool toys. and i say "our" because i'll probably really be buying them for myself. aaaand this is why the birth of my future children can wait!

Deena said...

Umm, so I'm not under 4 feet. BUT, G&I are really just overgrown kids. We would totally welcome and eat anything you baked for us WHILE appreciating the time and effort that went into doing it. That is more than you would get from most kids. JS

And PS I'm TOTALLY not it either. I personally vote C&C!! :)

sarah said...

I want kids because kid's clothes are ADORABLE. That's rational, isn't it?

Rach said...

Deena... I am SO bringing you guys cupcakes soon. :)

a. mrs said...

so definitely no kids, BUTTT i'll eat cookie monster cupcakes any day of the week. just sayin'

a. mrs said...

so definitely no kids, BUTTT i'll eat cookie monster cupcakes any day of the week. just sayin'

Anonymous said...

I say who needs kids for cookie monster cupcakes. I'd eat them!