Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The wearin' o' the green!

Top o' the marrrrnin' to ye, kids!

How lovely and convenient that St. Patrick's Day falls on a Wednesday... perfect timing for some guilty pleasures, eh?

Green Beer Day is right up there with my all-time favorite and most shameless indulgences!  I still have the t-shirts from my four years of participation... and I'm seriously considering the J.Brew one as an "alumni contribution" to one of Oxford's grandest traditions.  Mock our popped collars, our North Face jackets and our SUVs all you want; our nickname's famous and we're not mad about it.

The word shenanigans is another good one.  It's one of my favorite words and today is a perfect day to use it with abandon!  Surprisingly, the origin of the word is uncertain; it may be related to the Irish sionnach ("fox") but it's also been tied to German and even Spanish roots.  

Whatever.  The source doesn't much matter to me; what's really important is that when J and I use it, it means something fun and funny and possibly a tiny bit irresponsible is afoot!  

Plus it's in one of the funniest bits of movie dialogue ever:

"I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says shenanigans."
"Hey Farva - what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?"
"You mean Shenanigans?"
- Captain O'Hagan, Mac, Farva & Thorny (Brian Cox, Steve Lemme, Kevin Heffernan & Jay Chandrasekhar), Super Troopers
Today's greatest guilty pleasure, however, may well be this beloved cult classic:
Behold:  the elusive SHAMROCK SHAKE!  
What is it about this beverage/dessert/frosty nirvana that makes it so irresistible?  
Is it the hint o' mint flavor?  The awesome color?  The fact that it's only available for a few short weeks and only "at participating locations?"  All of the above?!  Hard to say... all I know is that I have about twelve hours left to get me some!

Happy St. Patty's to all of you! 


Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed your St. Patty's Day! Can you believe that I've never had a shamrock shake? I'm missing out, huh?

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sarah said...

Every year I try and every year I fail to find a Shamrock shake.

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

I'm with Sarah - you're a lucky lady. McD's here NEVER has the shamrock shake and they have stopped making egg nog shakes around Christmas... ANNOYING!

I hope you had a great st. Patty's day! ox