Monday, January 25, 2010

The One Where Rachel Starts Her Blog... No, For Real

Remember that episode of Friends, "The One With All The Resolutions," (season 5, #11) where Rachel resolves to gossip less and swears that she always keeps her resolutions? And Monica TOTALLY punks her out by grabbing the diary Rachel started the New Year's before and reading it aloud to the group?

"Dear Diary, I'm so excited! My resolution is to write in you every day. I'll see you tomorrow!" (fans the pages) "...NOTHING!!"

Yeah. Guilty as charged.

But here we are, after getting through a pantload of changes over the holidays, and now is as good a time as any to get to bloggin'. And of course, now that I've said it out loud on the interwebs, I have to stick to it.

Be warned: the Rachel Greene references? I've got a million of 'em. The way I see it: they used my name, I'm totally gonna bogart her scripted wit. (*DISCLAIMER: I'm usually witty enough for two - or three - but us real-life Rachels are allowed an off day now and then.)


meredith said...

welcome to the blogging world!!! :)

sarah said...

Here's to sticking to resolutions...

Jenni said...

Woohoo! Good luck! I just (re)started a blog too after I dropped mine like it was hot sometimes last summer after like 45 posts .... clearly I'm not much for the resolutions either.

So, a proposition: I think we should be accountabilibuddies. My name isn't Rachel, but I so quote Friends a minimum of 5x a day. What do you say? ;)